Getting Started
When you're preparing for a procedure, it's normal to be a little nervous – a feeling we completely understand. As you browse this section, you'll find information to help you understand precisely what's ahead, and our hope is that it will put you more at ease. Whatever questions remain, we have answers for you, so don't hesitate to ask!
Remember, the information provided is general; your procedure is unique and you should discuss all detailed questions and concerns with your gastroenterologist. Furthermore, if anything you find on this site contradicts the instructions you received from your physician or nurse, always defer to the medical professional.
For an Upper GI Endoscopy:
You should not eat or drink within six hours of your procedure. This usually means not eating anything after midnight the day before your procedure. You may be able to consume clear liquids in the morning if you have an afternoon procedure. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on when to stop eating.
For a Colonoscopy:
You will be given instructions in advance that will outline what you should and should not do in preparation for colonoscopy. Be sure to read and follow these instructions.
You will need to do a bowel preparation that is very critical to getting a good exam. Your doctor should give you instructions on the bowel preparation that needs to be followed carefully.